Kevin Opsahl
JPR Freelance ReporterKevin Opsahl is a journalist based in Medford and a regular contributor to JPR News. He moved to the Rogue Valley in September 2021 to cover education for the former Mail Tribune. Kevin is a graduate of Central Washington University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Political Science. During his free time he enjoys reading about history and current events, listening to music and eating out.
While a series of longtime Ashland restaurants recently closed, local business leaders say the health of the industry can’t be painted with a broad brush.
An Ashland woman is suing the city’s police department and Providence Medford Medical Center over her claims that they forcibly catheterized her following a DUI charge in October 2019.
Arguments over MPD officer Josh Doney linger between school officials and a board member as the new school year nears.
Jackson County Sheriff Nathan Sickler is renewing a push for a new jail. But public sentiment remains mixed, according to a recent survey.
Jackson County Democrats expressed excitement Monday over the prospect of having a renewed chance to defeat Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump after President Joe Biden’s sudden exit from the race on Sunday.