smoking /tags/smoking smoking en-US Copyright Wed, 19 Jul 2023 00:55:46 GMT Californians are smoking less: Why that’s a problem for these early childhood services /health-and-medicine/2023-07-18/californians-are-smoking-less-why-thats-a-problem-for-these-early-childhood-services A new ban on flavored tobacco products is accelerating a decline in nicotine tax revenue that funds California’s early childhood services. Some programs are already making cuts. Wed, 19 Jul 2023 00:55:46 GMT /health-and-medicine/2023-07-18/californians-are-smoking-less-why-thats-a-problem-for-these-early-childhood-services Ana B. Ibarra Oregon Finds Tobacco Companies Still Marketing Heavily /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2019-07-24/oregon-finds-tobacco-companies-still-marketing-heavily More than half the American population has no memory of cigarette commercials on TV and radio, because they stopped in the early 1970s. And regulators… Wed, 24 Jul 2019 17:39:10 GMT /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2019-07-24/oregon-finds-tobacco-companies-still-marketing-heavily The ɫèapp Team Oregon Sees Effects From Changing Smoking Age /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2019-05-28/oregon-sees-effects-from-changing-smoking-age The people who smoke in public look a little older in Oregon these days, or should. A couple of years ago, the state raised the minimum age of purchase of… Tue, 28 May 2019 16:25:56 GMT /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2019-05-28/oregon-sees-effects-from-changing-smoking-age The ɫèapp Team Oregon Gets Fs In Getting People Off Cigarettes /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2019-02-06/oregon-gets-fs-in-getting-people-off-cigarettes Report cards are out for efforts to get people to stop smoking, and Oregon's includes a couple of Fs. California got all As and Bs on the same report from… Wed, 06 Feb 2019 18:29:55 GMT /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2019-02-06/oregon-gets-fs-in-getting-people-off-cigarettes The ɫèapp Team Even Third-hand Smoke Can Affect You /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2018-05-29/even-third-hand-smoke-can-affect-you Researchers proved the dangers of secondhand smoke years ago. Breathing the smoke from other people smoking cigarettes can harm your health, just as… Tue, 29 May 2018 17:38:00 GMT /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2018-05-29/even-third-hand-smoke-can-affect-you Geoffrey Riley, April Ehrlich Oregon Nurses Take On Big Tobacco /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2017-07-13/oregon-nurses-take-on-big-tobacco People continue to smoke and use tobacco in Oregon, despite programs in place to discourage smoking. The Oregon Nurses Association says there's a reason:… Thu, 13 Jul 2017 17:54:48 GMT /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2017-07-13/oregon-nurses-take-on-big-tobacco Geoffrey Riley Cutting Back On Teen Tobacco Use /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2014-08-29/cutting-back-on-teen-tobacco-use Those occasional "stings" in which teens attempt to buy cigarettes stung Oregon a lot in recent years. Because the attempts led to real tobacco purchases… Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:10:30 GMT /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2014-08-29/cutting-back-on-teen-tobacco-use Geoffrey Riley Oregon Beaches May Ban Smoking /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2014-08-07/oregon-beaches-may-ban-smoking The fresh salt air. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore. The smell of cigarette smoke. Two of those will continue at Oregon ocean beaches, and… Thu, 07 Aug 2014 17:10:30 GMT /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2014-08-07/oregon-beaches-may-ban-smoking Geoffrey Riley Kicking An Old Habit In The New Year /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2014-01-07/kicking-an-old-habit-in-the-new-year Even the people who resist making New Year's resolutions may be inclined to think in terms of "turning a page" into a new year, and changing some… Tue, 07 Jan 2014 18:53:00 GMT /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2014-01-07/kicking-an-old-habit-in-the-new-year Geoffrey Riley Major Problems With Minor Smokers In Oregon /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2013-11-25/major-problems-with-minor-smokers-in-oregon Young people are smoking cigarettes less in the United States and in Oregon, but Oregon has a particular issue to address: it ranks among the worst states… Mon, 25 Nov 2013 18:33:00 GMT /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2013-11-25/major-problems-with-minor-smokers-in-oregon Geoffrey Riley