Some significant cash rewards are being offered for information about the illegal killing of wolves across Oregon and Washington last year.
The three endangered wolves came from the Gearhart Mountain Pack. The collars from two of them sent a mortality signal Dec. 29.
The unlawful killing or overharvesting of wildlife is a huge problem across Oregon. Officials say last year, more than 5,000 animals were poached, and those are just the reported cases. In the second half of this two-part series, KLCC's Brian Bull looks at what tactics authorities are taking to bag poachers.
In November, Oregon officials reported a dozen cases of wildlife being shot illegally across seven counties. Aside from a bighorn sheep whose head and horns were removed, all animals were left to waste where they fell.
Several recent incidents involving poached elk on the Northern California coast have threatened the endangered California condor population. The condors are only just recovering from near-extinction.
Two black bears were found dead in Southern Oregon trees. Police are searching for whoever killed them
The Oregon Department of Justice has hired its first-ever anti-poaching prosecutor to crack down on a spike in illegal wildlife killing across the state.
Not all poachers are hunters, and not all targets of poaching are animals. Case in point: redwood trees in Northern California. The high value of burl and…