food systems /tags/food-systems food systems en-US Copyright Mon, 22 May 2023 21:52:59 GMT When the foods they grew up with can’t be found, refugees in Oregon are growing their own /food-and-agriculture/2023-05-22/when-the-foods-they-grew-up-with-cant-be-found-refugees-in-oregon-are-growing-their-own A Portland garden for African refugee growers provides African foods, cultural connection and the joys of farming. Mon, 22 May 2023 21:52:59 GMT /food-and-agriculture/2023-05-22/when-the-foods-they-grew-up-with-cant-be-found-refugees-in-oregon-are-growing-their-own Jenn Chávez Reducing Hunger With A FEAST For Josephine County /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2020-02-18/reducing-hunger-with-a-feast-for-josephine-county It's an odd paradox: food comes from rural areas, because that's where farms are, but some rural areas can experience issues with hunger. That's because… Tue, 18 Feb 2020 18:02:00 GMT /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2020-02-18/reducing-hunger-with-a-feast-for-josephine-county The ɫèapp Team Good Food, Bad Food, And Voting With Your Fork /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2016-07-14/good-food-bad-food-and-voting-with-your-fork "Vote with your dollars" is a common phrase, meaning support businesses you agree with by buying their products (and vote against other companies by NOT… Thu, 14 Jul 2016 18:01:47 GMT /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2016-07-14/good-food-bad-food-and-voting-with-your-fork Geoffrey Riley Vandana Shiva On GMO Resistance /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2015-10-12/vandana-shiva-on-gmo-resistance Dr. Vandana Shiva is a heroine to many people who want purity and simplicity in agriculture, and a lightning rod for controversy because of it. Shiva, who… Mon, 12 Oct 2015 17:50:58 GMT /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2015-10-12/vandana-shiva-on-gmo-resistance Geoffrey Riley Population Up, Farmland Down: "The End Of Plenty" /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2015-08-24/population-up-farmland-down-the-end-of-plenty The recent news that the Earth's population could hit 11 billion by the end of the century should give anyone pause.Maybe we are capable of feeding all… Mon, 24 Aug 2015 23:03:25 GMT /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2015-08-24/population-up-farmland-down-the-end-of-plenty Geoffrey Riley