fish /tags/fish fish en-US Copyright Thu, 21 Mar 2024 14:21:46 GMT A novel parasite is blamed for infecting fish at 3 Oregon hatcheries /wildlife/2024-03-21/a-novel-parasite-is-blamed-for-infecting-fish-at-3-oregon-hatcheries State wildlife officials have killed more than 100,000 fish that were infected with a newly-identified parasite. It’s the first time that organism has been linked to illness in Oregon trout. Thu, 21 Mar 2024 14:21:46 GMT /wildlife/2024-03-21/a-novel-parasite-is-blamed-for-infecting-fish-at-3-oregon-hatcheries Justin Higginbottom ‘Freaky-looking’ fanged fishes found on Oregon coastline /wildlife/2023-05-07/freaky-looking-fanged-fishes-found-on-oregon-coastline Several scaleless fish with fanged jaws and huge eyes that can be found more than a mile deep in the ocean have washed up along a roughly 200-mile stretch of Oregon coastline, and it’s unclear why, scientists and experts said. Sun, 07 May 2023 13:42:51 GMT /wildlife/2023-05-07/freaky-looking-fanged-fishes-found-on-oregon-coastline Becky Bohrer/AP, Beatrice DuPuy/AP Environmental groups intend to sue PG&E over Potter Valley Project /environment-energy-and-transportation/2022-04-20/environmental-groups-intend-to-sue-pg-e-over-potter-valley-project A group of environmental organizations has filed a notice to sue Pacific Gas & Electric over declining fish species in California’s Eel River. Wed, 20 Apr 2022 12:59:41 GMT /environment-energy-and-transportation/2022-04-20/environmental-groups-intend-to-sue-pg-e-over-potter-valley-project Roman Battaglia Hatcheries may be the last best hope for endangered sucker fish in the Klamath Basin /environment-energy-and-transportation/2021-12-07/hatcheries-may-be-the-last-best-hope-for-endangered-sucker-fish-in-the-klamath-basin Two of the Klamath Basin's native suckers are in big trouble. The endangered populations are declining fast. But scientists and the Klamath Tribes are looking for solutions that can bring the fish back. Tue, 07 Dec 2021 13:44:46 GMT /environment-energy-and-transportation/2021-12-07/hatcheries-may-be-the-last-best-hope-for-endangered-sucker-fish-in-the-klamath-basin Jes Burns Klamath Tribes Rally To Defend Their Water And Fish /environment-energy-and-transportation/2021-05-16/klamath-tribes-rally-to-defend-their-water-and-fish The mood was jubilant yet sober on Saturday as members of the Klamath Tribes and their supporters drove the “Caravan for the Klamath” through the city of Klamath Falls, culminating in a rally at a downtown park to advocate for tribal land and water rights. Mon, 17 May 2021 05:10:52 GMT /environment-energy-and-transportation/2021-05-16/klamath-tribes-rally-to-defend-their-water-and-fish Holly Dillemuth Unprecedented Drought Sets Klamath Basin Up For Driest Year On Record /2021-04-14/unprecedented-drought-positions-klamath-basin-for-driest-year-on-record Farmers, tribes and wildlife are facing what could be the driest year ever recorded in the Klamath Basin. The magnitude of that reality came on Wednesday, when the federal Bureau of Reclamation announced the annual water allocation for farmers in the Klamath Irrigation Project. Wed, 14 Apr 2021 21:09:34 GMT /2021-04-14/unprecedented-drought-positions-klamath-basin-for-driest-year-on-record Erik Neumann Humboldt Baykeeper Continues Testing Fish For Mercury /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2019-07-26/humboldt-baykeeper-continues-testing-fish-for-mercury Californians need to know if the fish they catch are safe to eat, so the state keeps spending money on testing fish for mercury. Cal EPA recently awarded… Fri, 26 Jul 2019 16:47:00 GMT /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2019-07-26/humboldt-baykeeper-continues-testing-fish-for-mercury The ɫèapp Team Yurok Biologist Discovers Lamprey Sub-Species /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2019-06-28/yurok-biologist-discovers-lamprey-sub-species The salmon and steelhead are the glamour fish of western rivers. But you'll find lamprey in many of the rivers, too.A lamprey is a jawless fish--don't… Fri, 28 Jun 2019 17:19:12 GMT /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2019-06-28/yurok-biologist-discovers-lamprey-sub-species The ɫèapp Team NorCal Steelhead Considered For State Protection /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2019-06-18/norcal-steelhead-considered-for-state-protection It can be a little hard to keep track of the various runs of anadromous fish that are low in number these days. Summer steelhead in Northern California… Tue, 18 Jun 2019 17:12:56 GMT /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2019-06-18/norcal-steelhead-considered-for-state-protection The ɫèapp Team Recent Events Support "Fish In Hot Water" Report /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2018-03-05/recent-events-support-fish-in-hot-water-report It surprised nearly no one when the federal Marine Fisheries service announced (on Feb. 27) a 12-month review to consider listing Klamath River Spring… Mon, 05 Mar 2018 18:50:05 GMT /show/the-jefferson-exchange/2018-03-05/recent-events-support-fish-in-hot-water-report Geoffrey Riley, April Ehrlich